Multi-task language training courses instruction


Multi-task language training courses instruction

普通班多元語文訓練課程說明(Multi-task language training courses instruction):

1.Class info.

多元語文訓練課程課表(Multi-task language training courses schedule)

Chinese version :

English version:


Please log in Mymtc, and click "material" to watch the videos of "Mandarin Phonetics & Pronunciation Class" and "Introduction to Chinese Characters"


For Regular class students:

Regular class students need to fulfill both the “required hours” (from R504) and “other hours” (from R501 502 503 or 601 602).

We strongly encourage students of level Book I or II to attend the classes such as: Mandarin Phonetics & Pronunciation Class, Introduction to Chinese Characters, Chinese Conversation for Beginners at R504. 

If you have any question, please mail to Ms Chen or call 886-7749-5129